  /    /  Creams and emulsions  /  HYALOGY SENSISKIN CREAM



  • restoration of the barrier functions of the epidermis and skin in general;
  • control of the amount and composition of the produced skin sebum;
  • reducing the manifestations of the inflammatory response by increasing the activity of anti-inflammatory cytokines;
  • antioxidant skin protection;
  • reducing the excitation of nerve endings and a pronounced calming effect;
  • moisturizing all layers of the skin;
  • erythema reduction;
  • Protection and restoration of the skin microbiome.


  • sensitive skin of any type;
  • rosacea;
  • altered sensitivity of receptors to any substance or group of substances;
  • rosacea, eczema, psoriasis – as a means of prolonging and stabilizing remission;
  • rehabilitation after aggressive procedures (peelings, injections, laser, RF therapy, mechanical cleaning).

Ph value:


Recommended age:



individual intolerance to ingredients


The uniqueness of Forlle’d SensiSkin products is that its components act on all causes of the phenomenon of sensitive skin.

Its ingredients keep the skin stable, prevent hyperkeratosis and reduce inflammation. In addition, the cream for sensitive skin, which is part of the SensiSkin line, increases skin elasticity and improves its barrier functions.


Application method:

  • 1.0 – 1.5 g of cream apply after lotion (if not using serum) or over serum;
  • Help the cream absorb but do not rub in;
  • Use 1-2 times a day or more often (if necessary).
  • Duration of use – until clinical effect is achieved.

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